Redefining the Macho Man

Man in front of a field

Times have changed.

And while some may argue that it’s for the worst - I see both sides to the coin. While the increasingly low standards of some women, have spawned a new kind of lazy man population, the high expectations of others, have created a whole new genre of macho men - and I like it. In this light, I say: let’s RE-define the Macho Man. A definition that in my opinion, is quite flattering.

What's the first thing you imagine, when you hear the words, “macho man”? Do you associate this with a good or bad connotation? I would imagine, the picture looks a little something like this:

An alpha male who takes charge in any given situation - appropriate or not. He has a strong sense of masculinity, hinting on the side of neurosis. He has a large sexual appetite; and he is usually busy either playing women, or saving them - with his big muscles to the rescue. His over inflated sense of self, has him holding a strong double standard towards the female species and he steers clear of any female associated traits: sensitivity, emotions and anything in the “feeling” family. He is in short, just one big…Ego.

However, the 21st Century macho man is always cool; his subtle, humble charm is disarmingly powerful. He's easily liked, because he simply, doesn't try too hard. His character is outstanding. Yes, this is possibly the easiest way to detect this modern macho man. He's honest, helpful and has an innate, heightened sense of right and wrong. He spreads light and goodwill, as he seemingly floats down the streets - a cool, confident glide.

This isn't the kind of man you need to keep behind closed doors, in fear of revealing that your tall drink of water is more like a tall glass, of dense ice. No. He makes the perfect companion for any social (...or private) affair; with his mind being his best asset, but not necessarily his biggest.

He respects his special lady and sees her for the goddess she is, knowing her value and never deviating. He takes pride in taking care of her and pleasing her - and shows his gratitude for being the leading man in her life. He knows all too well, that this is no easy feat. He caresses and embraces, takes charge & seduces with his actions. He's the prototype of the ultimate lover - because his pleasure is her pleasure.

This man has his life affairs in order, because instead of chasing tail - he chases goals. He has an instinctive clarity that most mortals seek to find - on their quest of emancipation from mental slavery. And most of all, he brings purpose, to himself and those around him, paving the way for a generation of what will assuredly bring, a new wave of the macho man.

Peace, love and redefining the macho man,
