My New Year's Resolution for 2015

Woman doing yoga

While this may seem like a month or two too late, I find that it’s a great practice at this point in the year to re-evaluate where you stand on your “new year resolution”.

Every year on the 1st of January like clockwork, we see the same barrage of ads for weight loss, diets and gym memberships, in an attempt to entice and motivate men and women everywhere. Fair enough, since the typical new year’s resolutions do surround the idea of getting “fit”; and let me add, that is a fine goal indeed. So I’m curious to know what kind of resolutions you all are making for 2015. It’s only fair that I begin by sharing with you my two simple (and yet life-altering) resolutions for this year – and why.

1. Get Strong

The goal is to get my body strong so that I am equipped to face the many adventures that await me. My physical strength is not my best attribute and though I am considered healthy, I have difficulty with most activities that require a (basic) physical ability. My joints and back are weak, which disables me from having the courage and ability to do things such as hiking, zip-lining, climbing, exercising to my fullest capacity, and most of all, living a pain-free life. I believe that having a strong body gives you freedom beyond your wildest imaginations; and if a fine ass and abs come with it, I’ll take that too!

2. Stop Multi-Tasking

I am the first to admit that there came a time when I was truly proud to be a multi-tasker. I was a victim of the myth that the ability to do more at once, made you a superstar woman, able to perform efficiently in life. However, over the years I see that anytime I am multi-tasking I’ve made mistakes, whether it be in my work, screwing up a recipe, or burning myself in the process. When I take a good look at the notion of multi-tasking, I realize that it is completely wrong and actually dehumanizing; it creates a pace that is unmanageable and unhealthy. My resolution is to do one thing at a time and to do it well. The previous way of getting as much done in as little time as possible lacks in respect both to myself and to the task at hand. Instead, I will engage myself fully in each and every “task” of the day, in full presence and with love. I will enjoy each moment (some more than others) and I will learn to separate – there is a time to play, a time to work, a time to meditate, a time to exercise, you get the idea. I resolve to stop blurring the lines and to get shit done! AMEN. What are your 2015 resolutions?

Peace, love, and dedicated resolutions,