How to Get Your Man to Do More of What You Want

Bride on wedding day

What's the one thing you wish (or wished) your man would do more of?

Wash the dishes, pick up after himself, compliment you, be romantic...I'm sure you can think of more than just one.

Assuming you're in a healthy relationship with mutual respect, there's actually a simple and effective way to get your man to do more of what you want - and it doesn't include fighting or begging for it.In fact, it's quite the opposite. It's appreciation. Yup no fancy trickery, just some sweet and genuine appreciation.

When your man loves you, your appreciation motivates him, energizes him and makes him feel like the King to his Queen. The way he ultimately wants to feel. It's also a clear indication of what you like and what you'd like to experience more of. Trust me when I say, he wants to do whatever will make you smile more often. And if that means calling you beautiful or washing the dishes more often, he'll feel the inspiration to do so.

Start off with general appreciation about the way he is, the way he looks, how hard he works, how funny he is, etc etc (whatever you truthfully like about him). Let the appreciation flow freely until it becomes more natural for you to point out what you love more than what you don't like so much. Then, get more specific with your appreciation.

Let's say you want him to do more around the house, the easiest way to accomplish this is to acknowledge and appreciate when he does help out - even in a small way. I understand these are things "he should be doing anyway" and no one's telling you to gravel at his feet. All you gotta do is tell him and show him that you appreciate it! And please, resist your temptation to point out what he still hasn't done or what you think he could do better.

Appreciation can be misunderstood at times, and I get that. You might be feeling a little resentful about appreciating someone you're slightly annoyed with, and almost like you're "giving in". Appreciation is not about dimming your needs, it's about highlighting what you like so it can grow.

Think of a spotlight - wherever you point it, that's what's going to become more obvious, more evident, more present. So where are you shining that spotlight? Shine it in on the good stuff, and watch it grow.

Show your man with your smile and affection exactly what you like - because some sexy appreciation goes a much longer way than fighting. It also makes for a healthier and happier relationship, too.

In the end, you both win when you choose appreciation.

Peace, love and how to get your man to do more,
