Your Power As A Woman

Woman holding hair

Your power as a woman is not in what you do.

It’s in who you be.

Your power as a woman is not in how much you give.

It’s in how well you can receive.

Your power as a woman is not in how well you dress.

It’s in how good you feel in your own skin.

Your power as a woman is not in how much you do for others.

It’s in how they feel in the presence of a woman who loves herself, deeply.

Your power as a woman is not in what you achieve or cross off your to-do list.

It’s in how much you know how to sink into the pleasure of any given moment.

Your power as a woman is not in how sexy you are.

It’s in how in touch you are with your senses.


A version of yourself who questions herself less, receives gifs, compliments and love with open arms, who feels good - no great, with herself, who nurtures with her presence, not with her gestures, who eats slowly, laughs deeply, feels the shivers of pleasure running deep.


How a man might feel around this kind of woman.

RECEIVE - my 6-week program will rock your world, from the inside out. Showing you, there’s nothing for you to do to earn or keep his love. It’s all about who you be.

Early bird rates applicable until July 12th! I’m keeping this group small and intimate, so if you want in - check-in, see if this lights you up, and if the answer is yes - I invite you to join us.
