Why we take advantage of people who are too available?

Our society runs on a very vivid model of supply and demand.

Too much supply and little demand makes for less hunger.

Too little supply and high demand makes for more.

And this applies in just the same way based on the supply of one’s attention on us.

Sure, my conscious self appreciates can appreciate someone’s generosity but my very human self will take for granted what she knows is always available.

Hence why you may feel unappreciated by your partner.

Why he doesn’t see how much you do, how amazing you are, how lucky he is.

It’s his human nature.

His spiritual self loves you and is committed to you, his primal self feels less of the attraction and hunger for you.

Even his spiritual self is not particlaurly drawn to you.

I know this can be hard to hear.

I also know that if you’re still reading this, it’s because there’s a piece of truth in it for you.

What if you could offer him more, by giving him less?

Not lack

Not manipulation

Not entitlement

But rather




Where you naturally create a deep sense of anticipation, a desire for you that never burns out

While you live your best life, his life is made even more complete by his devotion for you.

The devotion of the masculine is the most beautiful experience.

Harmony feels good for everyone.

Give a little less, receive so much more.

And if you need some support with this, as most of us do, join us in Portal of Love where you will learn to play with polarity, own your standards and know for damn sure that you are loveable without over extending yourself.

With love,
