What Leading With Your Heart Doesn't Mean

There are a lot of mixed messages out there:

Speak your truth - it’s sexy.

Don’t speak your truth - it’s dangerous and makes men run away.

My take is, both are true, depending how you speak it, and who you’re speaking it with.

But here’s the thing, all of the above has you stuck in your head questioning, analyzing and strategizing.

Does that sound like the making of a great romance to you?

When in doubt, I invite you to lead with your heart.

Issue is, you’ve been burned in the past because you weren’t actually leading with your heart.

You were leading with your fear.

Showing up at your man’s house unannounced to tell him how you really feel sounded like a romantic thing to do, but it was your anxiety was driving you, and the outcome was less than sexy.

Calling your man in the middle of the night to make amends, but it was your anxiety was driving you, and the outcome was even more disconnection.

Finally giving in and asking to talk for closure, but it was your anxiety driving you, and you were left with even more questions.

How many times have you taken a plunge because you were “following your heart”, when what you were actually following was the fearful voices in your mind?

Leading with your heart requires slowing down enough to listen to her.

How is she feeling?

What messages does she have for you?

What does she want you to do and say?

What is her timeline? (spoiler alert: it won’t feel rushed).

How does she want to honour herself and the person she’s connecting to?

What is her true intention?

Leading with your heart can feel scary, while simultaneously feeling grounded and sure.

Remember, your heart is an access point to your feminine, and your feminine only truly opens herself in spaces and with people who make her feel safe.

How safe you are to lead with your heart and speak your truth is hugely telling about the potential of any relationship.

REMEMBER, leading with your heart is never about throwing all caution to the wind, it’s about the deepest honouring of yourself.

Sometimes this will look like setting a boundary. 

Other times this will look like telling someone you love them.

In either case, it will ALWAYS look like self-respect.

I ask you to as yourself, who is talking here?

The fears of my mind or the desires of my heart?

With love,
