The Missing Piece to Interdependence in Your Relationship

Woman on a rock in water

Working with women who do well for themselves, they think they've got the whole interdependence thing down when it comes to dating & relationships. They've got jobs, friends, workout routines - so naturally, they have lots of time away from their man of interest.

Yet something feels off and isn't quite working for them. And that's because there's a missing piece to interdependence they've overlooked.

Mental space is just as important, if not more important, than the physical space you take in your relationship.

You can likely relate to this, too.

When you stop to take an honest look at how you're being in your love life, you'll likely find that you spend too much time thinking about (and possibly, obsessing about) the person you're dating. You talk about them to your friends & co-workers and think about the relationship often. Where's this going? I wonder if he'll ever change x,y,z? Is this really the right person for me? What did he mean when he said...?

This isn’t exactly the picture of true interdependence.

When you don't take the mental space away from your partner or the person you're dating, you don't allow room for clarity and "ah-ha" moments to set in.

And the truth is, you don't learn about someone or find the answers to your questions by thinking about it; you get what you're looking for by being present - presently engaged with him when you're together and presently engaged in whatever else you're doing when you're apart.

Which can of course include some quiet soul time with yourself (or your Love Coach) where you ask for inner guidance about to do next.

If you're a creative in any way, you know that your best ideas come when you allow space for inspired ideas to come through. 

The same applies in relationships.

The lack of emotional and mental space keeps you ruminating, creating stories and the projecting far into the future of what might be.

If you're wondering how in the world you can create that space, it can start with a statement as simple as this one: “I give myself permission not to think about this right now.”

I’m not saying it’s easy; I’m saying it’s necessary.

Give yourself, the person you're seeing and your budding relationship the gift of mental, emotional and physical space, and watch it grow.

With love,
