Instead of Trying to Eliminate Limiting Beliefs and Fears

What if you let go of trying to rid yourself of blocks, limiting beliefs and fear?

What if you accepted that they get to be a part of you, and not all of you?

How would it feel to surrender into allowing these “blocks” to exist while committing to noticing them and moving through them, whenever they do arise?

I’ve let go of this idea that I have to be done with a pattern once and for all.

That I have to eliminate my fears and eradicate my “limiting” beliefs.

What I do instead is notice when they arise, and say, ‘oh hello there.’
And I choose how I want to move through it.

Do I want to feel it fully?

Do I want to shake it off?

Do I want to surrender to it or make a different choice?

And I imagine that every time I see a pattern or “block” and allow it to be there, while making increasingly more aligned choices, I walk a little further away from it.

We put far too much emphasis on trying to get rid of these things, and consequently, end up giving more energy to our fears than our desires.

Think about it this way. If you judge the pattern or belief less, it starts to lessen the emotional charge around it, so it has less of a grip on you.

Less judgment = less emotional charge = less control over you.

How does it feel in your body to simply accept that these fears are a part of you, while knowing they do not need to make decisions for you?

When one of the women inside of my inner circle shared that she was feeling tired from all the growing and stretching she’s been doing, tired of breaking her patterns because she’s afraid of going back to her old ways –

I pointed a gentle spotlight on that.

I invited her to notice when she was “breaking” out of old patterns out of fear of going back to the way she used to be, vs doing so out of love, expansion and excitement for where she is going.

With all the shadow work you’re doing, don’t forget – you get to have fun and celebrate yourself.

It doesn’t have to be all “hard work".

You can accept yourself with all your beautiful human and spiritual multi facets.

You are whole, just as you are.

With love,