If You Know You Can’t Let It Go, Then You Need To Say It.

This is a question I often get.

It’s one of those things that can feel so hard to identify for ourselves. 

> Am I asking too much or too little?

> Am I making a big deal where I need to let things go?

> Will he think I’m crazy if I tell him how my feelings got hurt by that thing he said last week?

I get it, Queen.

One of the things I say to my clients is, if you know you can’t let it go, then you need to say it.

Because if you don’t…

The effects are massively destructive.

What could have been a moment of intimate connection and sharing, now becomes an UNLOADING - usually filled with hurtful words, tears, and lots of anger.

He’s taken aback, then you feel the shame - and the whole thing starts to crumble.

I’ve seen this happen way too many times, and I’m here to do my part in stopping this.

I’m hosting a FREE three-part intimate workshop inside of my private zoom, to help you get confident, clear and courageous in your communication. 

We’re going to dive deep into why emotional connection above all else matters, how to move through trigger moments in a healthy way and answer the question, ‘Do I say something or keep it to myself?’, and how to communicate in a way that not only appeases you but draws your man in closer.

Do you want in?

Reserve your spot here. Places are limited.

Excited to share this love-changing class with you.

With love,