The Rush Slows You Down

Pocket watch

The other day I attempted to leave my house in a mad dash for an appointment - which never goes well. As I feverishly picked up my coffee mug, it spilled everywhere; all the way from the kitchen to the front hallway. I tried to clean up my mess as quickly as possible, which was sloppy at best and which inevitably meant, I had to do it again. What could have taken me a minute, has now taken at least five.

This reminded of something I know all too well: The rush slows you down.

And this is equally true for rushing out the door as it is to meeting the love of your life.

The panic mode that your mind is in when you’re in a state of rush leaves no room for clarity and lots of room for fear and frenzy. Not a good look.  And like it or not, it's true that the rush slows you down. It leaves you ripe for making mistakes and too wound up to see what’s what and possibly, what's been right in front of you all along.

The rush matches you up to the energy of the problem, not the solution. It keeps you in a state of lack: lack of time, lack of love, lack of clarity and hope.

Give yourself the permission to ease up, get relaxed and be calm. Because only then can you see the signs in front of you and hear your intuition guiding you to the next place or encounter, that will lead you to exactly what you’re looking for. When you slow down, you give yourself more time to act, speak and think more intentionally, in a way that aligns with your vision.

Otherwise, you make poor choices and spend years trying to unravel the pain of those experiences. And that’s alright, too. You can learn a lot about what you want from even the worst of relationships. Just know that it’s no longer necessary to go down this path; you can choose another way.

Rush = fear, lack of time, frenzy and distraction.

Calm = trust, abundance, eloquence and clarity.

As much as you want to meet that special someone, and preferably sooner than later, please know that the rush slows you down. In contrast, calmness (not complacency) effortlessly carries you down the stream to all the people, places and opportunities that you yearn for. 

Peace & love,Diana