How To React When Your Love Gets A Text From The Ex

Hand holding smart phone

Exes. Hate em or love em, they’re not a dying breed. They’re very much alive and sometimes, in the inbox of your lover. Ya, we're talking about that awkward moment when your main squeeze gets a text from the ex.

So, what do you do if or when your present’s past comes knocking on the door?

You do nothing.

Seriously, in most cases I would say that you don’t even need to know it happened. Your partner can totally decide if it’s worth telling you. I know when I’ve had an ex reach out to me in the past and I was in my relationship, it was so insignificant that telling my mister didn’t even cross my mind. It was a quickly forgotten moment.

But if you find yourself knowing, remember that it’s moments like these that give you the opportunity to foster more trust and closeness in your relationship.

When you’re confident in yourself, your partner and what you guys got going on, you trust them enough to handle it in a way that respects the both of you - whether that means replying or not. And if you’re not confident in any of those things well, need I say more…?

A text from the ex is really not something you need to concern yourself with. So if or when this comes up, be cool. Make it clear that you trust them by not prying and asking questions like if they wrote the ex back, when they did, what they said, and on, and on…and on.

Seriously, it isn’t worth your time or energy. And that one thing the little egoic monster in you doesn’t want to happen, is happening, the more you dig your heels into this. You give the ex power by making him or her important and present in your relationship.

Save your energy and your brainpower for things that make you better. Evoke and convey trust in everything you do. And always remember that what you feed, grows.

Peace, love and the text from the ex,
