Living the Full Spectrum of Life

Woman with umbrella

We're only two months into 2017, and it feels like I've already done a lot of living.

The year started intensely with a surprise pregnancy and an even more surprising miscarriage. A few weeks later I took a weekend course and certification in Theta Healing, and started practicing yoga at a nearby studio. I signed on new coaching clients and did a heck of a lot of reading and learning. That was January.

In February, I hosted a workshop, started prepping for a big event in April and took a short vacation to Florida! I gotta say that even the emotionally challenging stuff has been great and there's two reasons why:

Everything I do is with love and I'm enjoying living the full spectrum of life.

I'm sifting and sorting, refining my preferences and calling onto the Universe to give me more of what I love. And every so often, when I fall upon something I don't like so much, I know even more clearly what I do want.

That's the thing about life. We have so many options, ways to spend our time, places to see, experiences to have, thoughts to ponder - there are no limits, except for the ones we impose on ourselves. And when we can truly enjoy the different aspects of our time on this earth and look forward with enthusiasm for all that there is to come, we are truly living. The variety this life has to offer is nothing short of phenomenal.

Take time to work, create, play, explore, read, learn, listen, watch, rest, relax and breathe. Look up at the sky more often, listen to the sounds of nature and be bold enough to step in the direction of what makes you happy. This isn't only a reminder for you, but for me too.

The full spectrum of life is beautiful, intense, and colourful to say the least. And whether you believe this is your only life, or that you'll be back again, grant yourself the freedom to live a full life and to show up with love, always.

Peace, love and living the full spectrum of life,


Bloglife, perspective