Connect the Dots - and Live Life Confidently

Hands in a triangle

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future, you have to trust in something, God, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road, will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path…and that will make all the difference.” Steve Jobs

It’s not always possible to know what decision to make next is it?

That's where our good friend trust comes in: trust in yourself, your life, and like the late Steve Jobs said, “trust in…whatever.” But TRUST is the key. Without it, you’ll inevitably question every decision and your looming insecurities will disable you from fully committing to your choices and wholly connecting with your highest intuition – which when you learn to listen to, will always guide you from one dot (situation/experience) to the next.

The confidence you have in yourself, the present and in your future, will literally serve as a guiding post and make all the difference between leading an empowered life or an average one…and who wants to be average?

Tapping into your intuition is tapping into your creative spirit, where your true power and abilities are (patiently) waiting for you.

When I reflect on my life, my choices and my experiences, I can clearly see how all the dots have connected, and it’s fascinating. To think that I actually knew what I was doing to get me where I am today (and trust me when I say, I made some interesting decisions along the way), makes me appreciate life as an accumulation of small (and sometimes big) miracles. I can clearly see the path of how each experience guided me to the next and how all of it has lead me to this great place I stand today.

For instance, when I considered moving to Toronto many years back, the guy I was seeing at that time suggested that I consider Montreal, since he was living there. This sparked my interest and I started to get more excited by the idea of a life in Montreal; and even though I broke things off with him before making my move, he definitely helped open that doorway.

So I quit my government job in Ottawa and moved to Montreal with no work or any real opportunity in my vicinity.  Until I got a gig selling spa packages to different office buildings (ya, I literally walked into people's workspaces and sold them $50 spa deals - and I was actually really good at it). Then one day, I walked into a cute pink office ready to make my next deal. Little did I know, this would actually be the doorway to my next job. The pink office turned out to be a company called the Clever Bride, an online bridal magazine where I got offered a job as an Advertising Consultant.

Then one day, when I was meeting with a well-known hairdresser to sell him an ad, he introduced me to a stunning magazine called, KA Magazine. It was so impressive and left a huge mark on me. So a year later when I mustered up the courge, I sent an email to the Editor in Chief of this luxury publication expressing how much I would love to work with them. And guess what? I did.

Fast forward a year later to KA Magazine's 2013 Grand Prix party; the night I met the love of my life, as I was leaving the party and entering a cab (pretty magical). And as if that wasn't enough, during my two years there I also reconnected with my writing and with their help, launched the website for Ask Diana!

My move to Montreal lead to my Spa Sales job, which lead to working for the Clever Bride, which lead to working for KA Magazine, which lead to SO much more: love, love coaching career, copywriting. Apparently, I really do know what I'm doing.

But like the late Steve Jobs said, I could’ve never connected these dots looking forward, I can only connect them now, by looking back. And every time I do, I have a renewed sense of purpose and self-trust, which I know will keep guiding me from one dot to the next -  I trust that the dots will keep connecting, because I trust in myself.

Peace, love and connect the dots,


BlogChoices, life, perspective